Conference Proceedings

  1. [Preprint] V. Priser, P. Bianchi, A. Salim, “Long-time asymptotics of noisy SVGD outside the population limit,[pdf]
  2. A. Barakat, P. Bianchi, J. Lehmann, “Analysis of a target-based actor-critic algorithm with linear function approximation,”  AISTATS 2022. [pdf]
  3. K. Elgui, P. Bianchi, O. Isson, R. Marty,  F.Portier“Metric Learning for Fingerprint RSSI-Localization,” 2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS).
  4. A. Salim, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem,“A Constant Step Stochastic Douglas-Rachford Algorithm with Application to Non Separable Regularizations,” ICASSP 2018, Calgary, Canada.
  5. R. Mourya, P. Bianchi, A. Salim, C. Richard, “An Adaptive Distributed Asynchronous Algorithm with Application to Target Localization,” CAMSAP 2017, Curacao, Dutch Antilles.
  6. R. Mourya, A. Ferrari, R. Flamary, P. Bianchi, C. Richard, “Distributed Approach for Deblurring Large Images with Shift-Variant Blur,” Kos Island, Greece.
  7. A. Salim, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, “Convergence d’un algorithme du gradient proximal stochastique à pas constant et généralisation aux opérateurs monotones aléatoires,” GRETSI 2017, Juan-les-Pins.
  8. P. Bianchi, O. Fercoq, “Using Big Steps in Coordinate Descent Primal-Dual Algorithms,” CDC 2016, Las Vegas, invited paper.
  9. C. Meillier, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, “Two distributed algorithms for the deconvolution of large radio-interferometric multispectral images,” EUSIPCO 2016, Budapest, invited paper.
  10. P. Bianchi, “On the convergence of a stochastic proximal point algorithm,” CAMSAP 2015, invited paper.
  11. O. Iacoboaiea, B. Sayrac, S. Ben Jemaa, P. Bianchi, “SON Conflict Diagnosis in Heterogeneous Networks,” PIMRC 2015.
  12. P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, F. Iutzeler, “A Stochastic Primal-Dual algorithm for Distributed Asynchronous Composite Optimization,” Global SIP 2014, Atlanta, invited paper.
  13. P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, F. Iutzeler,  “A Stochastic Coordinate Descent Primal-Dual Algorithm And Applications,” MLSP 2014, Reims, France.
  14. P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, “A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Distributed Optimization,” CDC 2014, Los Angeles, USA.
  15. F. Iutzeler, P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat, W. Hachem, “Linear Convergence Rate for Distributed Optimization with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers,” CDC 2014, Los Angeles, USA.
  16. G. Morral, P. Bianchi, G. Fort, “Success and Failure of Adaptation-Diffusion Algorithms for Consensus in Multiagent Networks,” CDC 2014, Los Angeles, USA.
  17. G. Morral, A. Dieng, P. Bianchi, “Distributed On-line Multidimensional Scaling for self-Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks,” ICASSP 2014.
  18. Ovidiu Iacoboaiea, Berna Sayrac, Sana Benjeema et Pascal Bianchi, “Low Complexity SON Coordination using Reinforcement Learning,” Globecom 2014, USA.
  19. Ovidiu Iacoboaiea, Berna Sayrac, Sana Benjeema et Pascal Bianchi, “Coordinating SON Instances: A Reinforcement Learning Framework,” VTC Fall 2014.
  20. Ovidiu Iacoboaiea, Berna Sayrac, Sana Benjeema et Pascal Bianchi, “Coordinating SON Instances: Reinforcement Learning with Distributed Value Function,” PIMRC 2014.
  21. Ovidiu Iacoboaiea, Berna Sayrac, Sana Benjeema et Pascal Bianchi, “SON Conflict Resolution using Reinforcement Learning with State Aggregation,” SIGCOMM 2014.
  22. Ovidiu Iacoboaiea, Berna Sayrac, Sana Benjeema et Pascal Bianchi, “SON Coordination for parameter conflict resolution: A reinforcement learning framework,” WCNC 2014.
  23. F. Iutzeler, P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat, P. Bianchi, “Asynchronous Distributed Optimization using a Randomized Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers,”, CDC 2013, Florence, Italy. [pdf]
  24. W. Benameur, P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz, “A Total Variation based Approach for Robust Consensus in Distributed Networks,”, CDC 2013, Florence, Italy.
  25. P. Bianchi, S. Clémençon, J. Jakubowicz, G. Morral “Online Learning Gossip-based Algorithm (OLGA) in Multi-Agent Systems with Local Decision Rules”, IEEE BigData 2013, Santa Clara, USA.
  26. G. Morral, P. Bianchi, G. Fort, J. Jakubowicz, “Approximation stochastique distribuée : Le cout de la non-bistochasticité”, GRETSI 2013, Brest, France.
  27. W. Benameur, P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz, “Régularisation TV pour l’optimisation robuste dans les systèmes distribués”, GRETSI 2013, Brest, France.
  28. G. Morral, P. Bianchi, G. Fort, J. Jakubowicz, “Gossip-based distributed stochastic approximation: The price of non-double stochasticity”, invited paper, Asilomar 2012, USA.
  29. G. Morral, J. Jakubowicz, P. Bianchi“Asynchronous Distributed Principal Component Analysis using Stochastic Approximation”, CDC 2012, Hawai, USA.
  30. N. Carlesi, P. Bianchi “Distributed Coordination of a Formation of Agents with Individual Regrets and Imperfect Localization”, IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
  31. G. Morral, P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz, Gossip-based Online Distributed Expectation Maximization, SSP 2012, Ann Arbor, USA.
  32. R. Couillet, P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz “Distributed Convex Stochastic Optimization under Few Constraints in Large Networks,” CAMSAP 2011, Porto Rico, USA.
  33. P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz “Distributed Stochastic Approximation for Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization,” VALUETOOLS 2011, invited paper [pdf]
  34. P. Bianchi, G. Fort, W. Hachem, J. Jakubowicz “Performance Analysis of a Distributed Robbins-Monro Algorithm for Sensor Networks,” EUSIPCO 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
  35. L. Oudre, A. Lung-Yut-Fong, P. Bianchi “Segmentation of Accelerometers Signals recorded during Trademill Walking,” EUSIPCO 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
  36. P. Bianchi, G. Fort, W. Hachem, J. Jakubowicz “Convergence of a Distributed Parameter Estimator for Sensor Networks with Local Averaging of the Estimates,” ICASSP 2011, Praha, Czech Republic.
  37. J. Villard, P. Bianchi “Quantification vectorielle haute résolution pour la détection de processus stationnaires,” GRETSI 2011, Bordeaux, France
  38. P. Bianchi, G. Fort, W. Hachem, J. Jakubowicz “Analyse d’un algorithme de Robbins-Monro distribué pour les réseaux multi-agent,” GRETSI 2011, Bordeaux, France.
  39. L. Oudre, A. Lung-Yut-Fong, P. Bianchi “Ségmentation de signaux accélérométriques enregistrés pendant diverses phases de marche,” GRETSI 2011, Bordeaux, France
  40. A. Ataya, P. Jallon, P. Bianchi “Méthodes par graphe pour la reconnaissance d’activité à partir des signaux de capteurs de mouvements portés par la personne,” GRETSI 2011, Bordeaux, France
  41. J. Villard, P. Bianchi “High-Rate Vector Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of some Mixing Processes,” ISIT 2010, Austin, USA.
  42. N. Ksairi, P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat “A Nearly Optimal Ressource Allocation Algorithm for
    OFDMA 2D-Networks with Multicell Interference,”
    SPAWC 2010, Marrakech, Morocco.
  43. J. Villard, P. Bianchi, E. Moulines, P. Piantanida “High-Rate Quantization for the Neyman-Pearson Detection of Hidden Markov Processes,” ITW 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
  44. P. Bianchi, J. Najim, M. Maida, M. Debbah “Performance Analysis of Eigenbased Hypothesis Tests for Collaborative Sensing,” SSP 2009, Cardiff, U.K.
  45. P. Bianchi, J. Jakubowicz, F. Roueff “Detection of Gaussian Sources using Dumb Wireless Sensors,”  SSP 2009, Cardiff, U.K.
  46. E. Bouton, N. Ksairi, Ph. Ciblat, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem “About the outage probability optimization in MISO Rician channels,” WiMob 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
  47. P. Bianchi, J. Najim, G. Alfano, M. Debbah “Asymptotics of Eigenbased Collaborative Sensing,”
    ITW 2009, Taormina, Italy.
  48. N. Ksairi, P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat, W. Hachem “A Static Scheme to Achieve Optimal Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff for High Diversity Gains in Single Relay Channels,” ITW 2009, Taormina, Italy.
  49. L. Cardoso, P. Bianchi, J. Najim, M. Debbah, M. Maida “Ecoute Coopérative de Spectre pour la Radio Cognitive,” GRETSI 2009, Dijon, France.
  50. N. Ksairi, Ph. Ciblat, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem “Compromis Diversité Multiplexage d’un Protocole de Relayage DF non-orthogonal,” GRETSI 2009, Dijon, France.
  51. P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, Ph. Ciblat “Outage Performance of a Novel Relaying Protocol : Decode or Quantize and Forward,” ISITA 2008, Auckland, New-Zealand.
  52. N. Ksairi, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, Ph. Ciblat “Resource Allocation for Downlink OFDMA 2D-Cellular Networks with partial frequency reuse,” ISITA 2008, Auckland, New-Zealand.
  53. L. S. Cardoso, M. Debbah, P. Bianchi, J. Najim “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using
    Random Matrix Theory,”
    invited paper, ISPWC 2008, Santorini, Greece. [pdf]
  54. N. Ksairi, P. Bianchi, W. Hachem, Ph. Ciblat “Optimal reuse factor and resource allocation for OFDMA downlink with multicell interference,” SPAWC 2008, Recife, Brazil.
  55. Ph. Ciblat, P.Bianchi, M. Ghogho “Optimal Training for frequency offset estimation in correlated-rice frequency-selective channel,” SPAWC 2008, Recife, Brazil.
  56. W. Hachem, P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat “Outage Probability Optimization of Certain Wireless Relaying Protocols” ITW 2008, Porto, Portugal
  57. S. Sezginer, P.Bianchi “Asymptotically Efficient Low-Complexity Frequency Offset Estimation for Uplink MIMO-OFDMA Systems,” ICC 2007, Glasgow, UK.
  58. P. Bianchi, Ph. Ciblat “Training Sequence Design for Joint Channel and Frequency Offset Estimation with Partial Channel State Information,” SPAWC 2007, Helsinki, Finland.
  59. Ph. Ciblat, P. Bianchi “Constructions de séquences d’apprentissage pour l’estimation conjointe de canal et de résidu de fréquence porteuse,” GRETSI 2007, Troyes, France.
  60. S. Sezginer, P.Bianchi “Cramér-Rao bound and training sequence selection
    for MIMO-OFDMA transmissions impaired by frequency offsets,”
    ICASSP 2006, Toulouse, France. [pdf]
  61. S. Sezginer, P.Bianchi “Joint frequency offset and channel estimation in the OFDMA uplink: Cramér-Rao Bound and training sequence design,” SPAWC 2005, New-York, USA. [pdf]
  62. M. Castella, P.Bianchi, A. Chevreuil, J.C. Pesquet “Blind MIMO detection of convolutively mixed CPM sources,” EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria. [pdf]
  63. P.Bianchi, Ph.Loubaton, F.Sirven, “Blind joint estimation of the technical parameters
    of continuous phase modulated signals,”
    Globecom 2003, San Francisco, USA. [pdf]
  64. P.Bianchi, Ph.Loubaton, F.Sirven, “On the Blind Equalization of Continuous Phase Modulation Using a Constant Modulus Criterion,” SPAWC 2003, Roma, Italy. [pdf]
  65. P.Bianchi, Ph.Loubaton, F.Sirven, “Estimation aveugle du débit symbole de modulations CPM,” GRETSI 2003, Paris, France. [pdf]
  66. P.Bianchi, Ph.Loubaton, F.Sirven, “A non data aided estimator of the modulation index of continuous phase modulations,” Proc. ICASSP 2002, Orlando, USA.